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When summer day no. 37 breaks the light in the distance, it feels like the energy to enjoy is weakening... We who work during the summer season win late summer's...

When summer day no. 37 breaks the light in the distance, it feels like the energy to enjoy is weakening...

We who work during the summer season win late summer's palest-on-the-playa contest. We usually go tone by tone with a blue cheese bagged up at the back of the fridge. Translucent skin with blue veins pumping around nutrient-poor blood full of longing for the light, the sun, umbrella drinks and sleep-in mornings. You have such big ambitions to take advantage of the summer.

In the evenings. In the hours before work starts. But then the days get faster and faster. You stay longer and longer at work to finish and not transfer to some other poor person. And then that evening is kind of spent. It will be takeaway food from the Thai restaurant or another omelette with grated Parmesan that had its glory days in March. Yesterday I found myself sitting on my steps outside, eating a green-yellow tomato straight from the plant. Having time to wait for the red color to ripen is tantamount to the fact that the whole plant will probably be forgotten and all the tomatoes will fall into the ground to the arrogant happiness of the two-tails. I found myself thinking that I couldn't muster up the energy to enjoy summer day #37.

And it is clear. This is the breaking point every year, a month works to keep up the summer feeling. But when the work mood kicks in, when there are no more than seconds to play here and there in order to catch up with the high season, then it is the ambition for the joys of summer that gets kicked out. Ask all the entrepreneurs here at Österlen. Everyone says the same thing. Our businesses get all our time, all our resources, and we who drive the businesses forward continue long into the evenings to tinker and solve issues that we don't have time for during the day. I myself trudge out into our garden cafes and pick up receipts, dead birds, dog poo, take care of the flowers, water, weed, plan for autumn and look for my summer lust. It is at this stage that the tan peels off and you forget that daylight is important. Now I have identified this little "orken-tryter-problem". Summer day no. 37. There were some rain showers last night and it's just as if rain gives me a little extra energy. I've just landed from work in Italy, deliveries are pouring in and yet it feels like I never left.

There are 55 days left in summer. And many, many more when you live here in Österlen. Now I'm going to start the energy again and be observant that the brain wants to crawl into the laundry room instead of going to a barbecue. Recovery is so important. As company manager, I will focus on this in the company during the autumn. It is an exciting task because the energy is so different for all of us. But I think we have to help each other. Above all, we need to identify who has less energy reserves but who does not show it outwardly, but who goes home to a pillow. So how do I start summer day #37 with more energy?

Just knowing that I admit to being a bit brain-tired actually makes me more alert. The freshness of the rain helps. Getting to happy wonderful employees at the warehouse helps. Planning my meals and dog walks helps. Planning ahead helps. But not so far ahead and not with such large tasks. The planning of our pop-up shop in Varberg next week is fun.

Downton Abbey premiere on Wednesday with friends is longing. Deep diving into mountains of fabric for new dresses is fun. The next pit stop in Tuscany in three weeks is a pleasant thought. I hang everything fun and nice and good on my washing line for public view of my brain.
That is today's most important task. Day No. 37.


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