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Rehab & limp aunt's dog daycare

Wednesday 28/2. Last night, on the 16th day, the knee looked like a football.The day before I was in Malmö and met my post OP team.  I got developed exercises...

Wednesday 28/2.

Last night, on the 16th day, the knee looked like a football.
The day before I was in Malmö and met my post OP team. 

I got developed exercises from the physiotherapist to train the connection between my brain and cut muscle. 

And clear instructions how much is just training for a newly operated knee. Especially one that does not release the swelling (and the pain).

I could safely say that my little walks in my little little everyday life tend to be too much. I cut 3000-4000 steps/day (what is measured, but I do not wear the phone on me at home). That is too much. I go to bed with a football and just want to extinguish the universe of pain. 
The advice on exercise - often but a little, is sick individual. It is quite difficult to adapt. 

My normal everyday life consists of running in and out, back and forth 16 hours a day. Add all dog walks and dog play in the garden. I rarely have the phone on me that can measure the steps, it is too heavy and big. So moving minimal is perhaps the biggest challenge by a knee change by far. And yet, when I think of those days that have passed, the development has really progressed. 

In my darkest moments, I feel so incredibly limited, sad and trapped. This condition is probably Aquarius's worst, who loves his freedom more than life itself. But I know that the light is there. Maybe already next week. Or tomorrow. 
This is the biggest change of my life. My big investment in myself. My future. Much bigger than anything else I've done. I have given myself maybe 30 free healthy years. It's a pretty nice gift.

I would use the time to continue with my book. But my problem is to sit. I can't sit for more than a few minutes on a regular chair before the pain turns around me.

The leg needs to lie flat. So it's just the sofa that works. But I have not trained on the couch liger style for many years. Don't work too long either. The back says no. So the book with all sketches and drafts may wait for a while. Using the healing time effectively is totally excluded to the entrepreneurial brain's great despair ... Try to be trapped in your house for several weeks jumping on one leg, in the end everything is washed, picked… the dogs played with. What do you do then????? Furthermore, if you can't sit or lie comfortably ??? No, Netflix requires you to bench. Read, nope. Same there. 5-10 minutes ok, then up and move, shake off fell asleep stiff muscles. Catch 22.

Sunday one on March 3rd.

Last Friday I was saved from the madness to be stuck in my house! Jeanette came from Malmö and packed me into his car. You have to go out! She said firmly. And smiled a little. I had to decide destination. I wanted to hug my friends at Hylkegården and wish for a successful season. And Fiiiika. Cecilia at Hylkegården has done the same surgery as I have a week earlier. We have peppered each other via Messenger. 

With a bottle of bubble in the highest chop we entered their fine shop and there Cecilia comes to me without crutches. Huh !!! I just gaped and hugged. Ohhh how is it possible? Busy fun happy Cecilia who has limped for many years went normally. I was so happy for her sake and for mine. Then I can soon release the crutches for a while every now and then! 

It is ours for real when the stores open up again. Österlen is fantastic! Uniquely! So many talented entrepreneurs gathered in one place. And everyone's common mission is that you have an experience. It is so beautiful. 

Today I am saved again from the boredom with cozy visit, breakfast…. Long breakfast. My best time of day. To drink coffee Lääääänge. On the couch with the dogs. And fire and cozy and free views both outward and inward. 

I need it. Sometimes I wonder how version Maria has been trapped on her farm for two months will look. It has been three weeks and my top cover raises alarming often. You don't have to move more than you do ... strict orders from the physiotherapist. Then the swelling and pain never goes down. No.

So now I have set the timer on rehab every two hours. Simple exercises short moments that make a vomit. Sweat pain. But no long walks. Point. After all, I have to do short. Get something, feed the cats, open the post, receive a delivery on the wrong day. Bajsrundan with Malte. And. Count the days. 

And yet, the development is huge. A week ago I had to help my leg by lifting it tangibly with my hands when I would lie down in bed or sofa. Today, the leg lifts itself. The rehab really produces results. Small little silly exercises repeated all day. Disgusting is my friend.

Milo rests his head on my stomach. He is really goodly broadcast that doggie. From Russia, simple ticket on November 16, straight into my heart. And tomorrow my two other sweethearts will come home again. I long for myself.

We fall asleep in another hour, Milo and I.

Monday night against Tuesday 5/3.

We were all over all last night that the bed attracted early. My beloved dogs came home again. The sun was shining all day and Saga was here so there were four dogs running for hours with balls and firewood and my shredded Birkenstock around the garden. Happy. Now during my convalescence, "Halta Lady's Dog Day" has become the attraction of the area. Who could imagine that I would not just have one or three dogs around me during the crutch dance weeks, months. I have five! Dogs that have found my little paradise pleasant. These live their very best dog life. Also free games all over the garden, as well as sofa hanging with me and my notebooks. Also we are crowded in the kitchen to find something good ... I am in the kingdom of heaven with all the four -legged sweethearts around me. I literally have five four -legged therapists…

On the 21st day after the operation, I probably found the balance between rest and rehab. Now I wake up in the morning without my knee being swollen like a football. I practice rehab exercises diligently. Find new options online and run 10 minutes every two hours. Walking slowly around the house without crutches but realizes that I still need them so I don't get a rocking walk. And in the evenings when the knee resembles a football again and the skin spans the swelling. Everyone heals differently and this must be my level. With large farm, five dogs and life that somewhere still cannot be paused, I do as best I can to come to Italy again in mid -April.

Right now, in the middle of the night, Malte snores along my right side. Milo is located on my pillow. Zoe has jumped into the big cuddly dog ​​bed for a while. 

I lie and think about what a nice Monday we had. In life. In the company. Everything rolls on according to plan. I really can't be tangible in the business and it is difficult to accept. Three weeks have disappeared in a haze. But with meticulous planning for several months before OP, everything goes well. The production rolls on. Our collections are consumed as melted butter at our talented retailers. It's really spring in the air. The larch teases, the hares, the glades, the pheasants, the fox ... Everyone keeps them hoof outside my glass wall to the north. To the joy and dismay of the dogs because the wild animals are outside our fences, and tease in the spring sun. 

I read "I can be wrong" by Björn Nathiko. Again. His quiet reasoning helps me through the passages that from time to time are heavy as lead about being stuck in my house, in my place. I have really appreciated my freedom in life. Now the tank is free but the body must stay at this particular place for another month. Italy is my migration. My oasis there.

But the victories in my little everyday life are many. Just being able to pull a vacuum cleaner again. Being able to wipe the floors. To hang laundry, cook. Pat, cuddle, cuddle, sleep with the dogs. Cut chlorine, shower them, change the sheets a couple of times a week. Get the mail. The gratitude for being able to move more and more stable for each day is great. And patience is trained at least as much as my muscles and nerves around my new knee. Everything goes slowly. But it works. And it goes really well. 

This week - tomorrow Wednesday - my beloved Reuniongård opens up for season no. 7 here in Hagestad. And year 22 in the company. It's worth celebrating. Come come and hug!


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